
NanoPhotometer® Software for Windows (Windows 7 32 and 64 bit, Windows 8 32 and 64 bit)

NanoPhotometer® Software for Mac OS X Lion 10.7 or higher

NanoPhotometer® Manual

NanoPhotometer® Quick Start


Installation Steps:

  1. Download NPOS.bin (Version 1.1.10311)
  2. Copy NPOS.bin to your USB stick into the root folder
  3. Insert your USB stick into your NanoPhotometer
  4. Select Assistance / Software Maintenance
  5. Click on Update
  6. Wait until the NanoPhotometer reboots

NanoPhotometer® Brochure


Previous NanoPhotometer® Models

NanoPhotometer® PVC Software

Online Installation

NanoPhotometer® PVC Software

PVC Software Online Installation – Intended for computers connected to the internet

Contents: Self extracting executable that automatically downloads and installs the latest version of Microsoft .NET, USB drivers, and PVC software

Compatability: Windows 7™ (32 bit or 64 bit) and Windows XP™ (32 bit) in combination with Office 2003, Office 2007 and Office 2010. Windows™ 2000 in combination with Office 2003 and Office 2007

Software licence: Access code can be found in the inside of the NanoPhotometer® folder. The access code is provided for all NanoPhotometer® for which the PVC software is purchased (country specific either as NanoPhotometer® package or separately).

Installation Instructions:
NanoPhotometer® PVC User Manual

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Download Installation Files

NanoPhotometer® PVC Software

Software Offline Installation – Download installation files to transfer to a computer without internet connection.

Contents: PVC software and USB driver.
Note: Microsoft .NET is required and the most updated version can be downloaded here.

Compatability: Windows 7™ (32 bit or 64 bit) and Windows XP™ (32 bit) in combination with Office 2003, Office 2007 and Office 2010. Windows™ 2000 in combination with Office 2003 and Office 2007

Software licence: Access code can be found in the inside of the NanoPhotometer® folder. The access code is provided for all NanoPhotometer® for which the PVC software is purchased (country specific either as NanoPhotometer® package or separately).

Installation Instructions:
NanoPhotometer® PVC User Manual

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User Manuals - NanoPhotometer® P-Class


Firmware 2.4.2 / Unit Updater Version 1.4.5


Firmware and Unit Updater


– NanoPhotometer® (2006-2013)
– NanoPhotometer® Pearl
– NanoPhotometer® P-Class


For firmware update instructions please follow the NanoPhotometer® Firmware Installation Manual.

Note if your NanoPhotometer® has not been configured to the computer before the firmware update, please first install the NanoPhotometer® USB Driver and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Redistributable (x86) (if not already installed).

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Firmware Installation Manual

USB Driver

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Redistributable (x86)

Unit Reset

Application Leaflets

OD600 DiluPhotometer™


User Manuals - OD600 DiluPhotometer™


Protein Quantification Software

Download Installation Files

OD600 DiluPhotometer™

Software Offline Installation – Download installation files

Contents: OD600 DiluPhotometer™ software and required .dll files.

Compatability: Windows XP™ (32 bit) in combination with Office 2003.

Installation Instructions:
OD600 DiluPhotometer™ Software User Manual

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OD600 DiluPhotometer™

What is the correct orientation of the DiluCell™ cuvettes in the OD600?

The light path of the OD600 DiluPhotometer™ passes the cuvette in the up/down direction at a center height of 8.5mm.

What volume is required to use the DiluCell™ cuvettes?

DiluCell™ 10 requires a volume of 200µL. DiluCell™ 20 a volume of 100µL.


Why am I getting fluctuating values with the DiluCell™?

First check for air bubbles in the DiluCell™ and if necessary correct pipetting technique to avoid bubbles. Also ensure the DiluCell™ has a tight fit in the cuvette holder. If the DiluCell™ is free to wiggle, the tilted orientation may cause reflections that affect absorbance readings.

What volume is required to use the DiluCell™ cuvettes?

DiluCell™ 10 requires a volume of 200µL. DiluCell™ 20 a volume of 100µL.

Can I use DiluCell™ for other applications other than OD600?

YES, DiluCell™ can be used in a variety of applications from 340-1100nm. Implen has approved use of the DiluCell™ with the OD600 DiluPhotometer. Please contact Implen for advice on extending other applications to include DiluCell™ for increasing throughput and decreasing errors.


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